EyeLid Cosmatic Surgery

Eyelid Cosmetic Surgery

Do you look older than you feel? Our eyes are the best features. But as we age, the body naturally produces less elastin and collagen causing the skin to lose its firmness and quality. The facial skin starts to wrinkle and sag, affecting our fine delicate features of the eyelids. The droopy or puffy eyelids…

best eye care hospital in bangalore

Innovation in Quality tools for a stand alone eye hospital

Implementing continuous quality improvement standards is a challenge for most of the standalone eye hospitals . More often than not, documentation outweighs implementation.We were able to put innovative ideas to work and were able to bring core benefits across theorganisation. We will highlight the innovative ideas we have successfully implemented for amore involved staff.We involved…

Glaucoma – Important Things You Must Know

Glaucoma – Important Things You Must Know

Glaucoma Glaucoma is an eye disorder that damages the optic nerve. It is often caused because of excess pressure on your eye. This pressure is intraocular pressure and it can damage your optic nerve.  The optic nerve plays a pivotal role in your vision. It sends signals from the retina to your brain. Based on…