Vision Therapy

Vision Therapy is designed to develop and improve visual skills and improve visual comfort and ease. 

The Goal of Vision Therapy is to: 

  • Understand each child’s visual deficiency
  • Determine how it can be improved

Vision Therapy is beneficial for:   

  • Lazy Eye
  • Depth Perception Problems
  • Eye Movement Disorders
  • Accommodative disorders

In this blog, we shall learn more about all the important aspects of vision therapy from our expert ophthalmologists.

What conditions can Vision Therapy treat?  

Vision Therapy is an individualized treatment program designed to improve or eliminate some conditions such as crossed eyes (strabismus), lazy eye (amblyopia), poor binocular vision (eye teaming), or accommodation (eye focusing), stress-induced visual difficulties, and visual rehabilitation for special populations/brain injury. 

Strabismus (crossed-eyes) & Amblyopia (lazy eye):  

Strabismus is a condition in which a person is unable to maintain a proper alignment on both eyes simultaneously under normal conditions. Amblyopia (lazy eye) is an eye problem, often diagnosed in children that cause poor vision. It occurs when there is no proper development of the connections between the eye and the brain. For both conditions, vision therapy offers an excellent alternative to eye surgeries. 


Binocular Dysfunction (eye-teaming) or Accommodation (eye-focusing):

When the two eyes fail to work together as an effective team, Your performance in many areas can suffer (reading, sports, depth perception, eye contact, etc.), if your two eyes fail to work together as a team. Binocular dysfunction can arise when your eyes are not performing in a coordinated manner. Due to this, your visual cortex will receive two different images causing visual comfort or double vision. On the other hand, accommodation issues can arise when the child is unable to quickly and accurately constrict or relax the focusing muscle. 

Vision therapy helps people dealing with the above conditions develop normal coordination of the two eyes, and establish the efficiency of the focusing system. 

Visual difficulties due to stress:

Today’s lifestyles have forced everyone to use their near vision at work, school, and at home. One of the most concerning visual problems of this century is computer vision syndrome. It is a group of vision-related problems that result from the prolonged use of electronic devices like mobile phones. Vision therapy can effectively treat visual difficulties, eye strain, and/or headaches. 

Visual rehabilitation:

Many people deal with neurological disorders such as brain injuries, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, etc. These individuals have compromised vision. Vision therapy can effectively rehabilitate the visual consequences of these conditions. 

Vision Therapy Devices and Exercises to Improve Eyesight

In addition to prescription eyeglasses, contact lenses, or vision correction surgeries, vision therapy is popularly used to manage different eye conditions. Here, we have listed common vision therapy exercises to enhance eyesight.

  • Pencil Push-Up Therapy: Visual disorders such as strabismus can be corrected by eye exercises. To begin with, hold a pencil at your arm’s length and draw it towards your nose. Keep a clear focus while doing this. When the pencil begins to appear as a double image, repeat the exercise. Do the exercise several times every day.
  • Computer Programs: Vision therapy can also be computer-assisted. It involves activities including eye movements, stress vergence, visual information processing, and accommodation. 
  • Vision Rest: This exercise is for people who spend a lot of time focusing on mobile or computer screens. It involves the 20/20/20 rule. The exercise suggests resting your eyes after 20 minutes of computer use for at least 20 seconds while looking at an object that’s 20 feet away. 

Vision Therapy at Zamindar Microsurgical Eye Centre

Zamindar Eye Centre works closely with behavioral optometrists in Bangalore to resolve vision issues in children and adolescents alike. We offer an in-depth assessment of the visual system and provide smart Vision Therapy For Lazy Eye And Vision Therapy For Kids.

List of Vision Therapies at Zamindar Eye Centre:

  • Brock String
  • Hart Chart (Monocular & Binocular)
  • Accommodative Flippers with Target
  • Lens Build-up
  • Lens Sorting
  • Marsden Ball
  • Walking on a Rail with Accommodative Target
  • Training on Saccades and Pursuits 


Schedule an eye exam and vision evaluation for a proper diagnosis, and to discuss if a Vision Therapy program is an appropriate treatment for you.

You can call us at 080 41686676/ 8123752250 (WhatsApp) for more details.